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Be wise, thankful and thoughtful



Welcome friends! We are  happy you have stopped by to visit today.  Here are thoughts to consider:


Have you asked God for wisdom in your circumstance yet?  Below I have have adapted the thoughts of the Anglican Australian pastor Leon Morris.  James tells us that every perfect gift is from above.  In the Old Testament, a dozen words are used of gifts of one kind or other.  The thought of God’s gifts to men, as health and food and wealth and enjoyment (Ec. 3:13; 5:19 are all over the OT.   The characteristic thing is the use of several words to denote entirely or primarily the gifts that God gives to men.


1. Dōrea (the word expresses freeness, bounty) is found 11 times, always of a divine gift.  Sometimes this is salvation (Rom. 5:15, 17), or it may be undefined (‘his inexpressible gift’, 2 Cor. 9:15), or it is the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).


2. (Dosis) James reminds us that ‘Every good endowment (dosis) and every perfect gift  or bestowment (dōrēma) is from above’ (Jas. 1:17).  Every talent, insight, growth we enjoy, ability we have  and every thing is from Him. 


3. (Charisma) A most important word is charisma.  This may be used of God’s good gift of eternal life (Rom. 6:23), but its characteristic use is for the *‘spiritual gifts’, i.e. the gifts which the Holy Spirit imparts to certain people.  Everyone has such a gift (1 Pet. 4:10), but specific gifts are reserved for individuals (1 Cor. 12:30), and individuals endowed with these gifts are themselves ‘gifts’ from the ascended Christ to the church (Eph. 4:7).  


4. Salvation is God’s good gift to men, and all the rest arises from this basic truth.  He gives Himself to us.  That is why we sing the doxology (doxa) which is a word praising his goodness.  


Indeed we are to give thanks in all things I Thess 5: 17, and in these trying times to remember to be concerned for others, keeping their needs in mind, calling them up just to encourage them and to show your love and friendship.


God continues to bless us in these times with wisdom, gratitude and kindness whereby we can rest and not fear.  But we also can move with assurance in these times of uncertainty.  Now is the time to grace everyone and be open to share the good news if the Lord opens the door so others can know all of the riches that He sends form above.


His servant and yours, 

Pastor Jerry


© 2024 Chesterland Baptist Church


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